Nearly two-thirds of the Swiss have a private retirement savings plan

A survey shows that over 60% of the population contributes to private pillar 3a savings plans. As many as 25% are convinced that they will not receive a pension from the AHV/AVS or their occupational pension plan once they retire.

A "representative survey on pillar 3a savings" commissioned by from Link, a market research institute, shows that only three-quarters of those surveyed believe that they will receive something in return for their compulsory pension plan contributions when they retire. The 2nd pillar is viewed more optimistically than the 1st: while 74% believe they will receive benefits from their occupational pension fund, only 71% believe the AHV/AVS – the Federal Retirement and Survivors' Insurance – will pay them a pension.

Young people are not banking on AHV/AVS pension benefits

The younger those surveyed, the less confidence they have in the federal pension system. Only 59% of the under-40s believe that they will receive any 1st pillar benefits at all. Moreover, 52% of this age group believe that they will receive less when they retire than pensioners today. Those surveyed show somewhat more trust in the financial stability of their 2nd pillar: 71% of the under-40 age group believe that they will receive a pension from their occupational pension plan.

Nearly one-half of those surveyed assume they will receive less than expected

48% of those surveyed think they will receive a lower AHV/AVS pension then that they would be entitled to today (see graph 1). About 34% also believe they will receive less from their pension plan than they and their employer will have paid in – interest included.

Pillar 3a – a safe retirement savings plan

The lack of confidence in the 1st and 2nd pillar systems explains why 61% of those surveyed also save privately for retirement in the framework of tied pillar 3a plans. For 62%, the main reason is to provide for retirement, while 34% are interested in saving taxes. It is noteworthy that only 18% of those surveyed, or nearly one-half of those with a pillar 3a savings plan, contribute to the extent of their full allowance. 31% of those who do not have a 3a retirement savings plan indicated that they could not afford one for the time being.

Swiss Germans make greater use of private retirement savings plans

In the German-speaking part of Switzerland, 65% of those surveyed contribute to a 3rd pillar plan compared with only 52% in French-speaking Switzerland and 50% in the Ticino. Apparently, more French speakers believe they will receive pension fund benefits than do German speakers.