Liberty News – Liberty BVG/LPP Collective Foundation / Liberty 1e Flex Invest Foundation

Liberty News – Liberty LPP fondation collective / Liberty 1e Flex Fondation d’Investissement

Liberty Pensions concurs with Dr. Jérôme Cosandey, Head of social policy research with Avenir Suisse, that the market for 1e pension solutions should continue to grow rapidly in 2018. A survey conducted by the global consulting company shows that 15% of employers are looking to offer their managerial staff such solutions.

Through Liberty 1e Flex Invest Foundation and the individual trade associations for entrepreneurs in the liberal professions (medicine, law and finance), Liberty is uniquely positioned to meet the high demands of its recipients and therefore expects to continue growing its position. Individual retirement savings plans in combination with customised investment strategy options offer maximum flexibility for managers with annual AHV/AVS contributory salaries of over CHF 126,900. There is a virtually unlimited range of investment options, from low-risk strategies to the actively-managed portfolio, always fully compliant with BVV2/OPP2 requirements.

Securities portfolios can be managed by experienced asset managers who may, for example, already be managing the investor's private assets. This has the advantage that all personal financial matters can be handled through a single interlocutor. Thanks to its broad network, Liberty Pensions also has extensive contacts with renowned private and commercial banking institutions across Switzerland.

We would be pleased to prepare an individual proposal tailored to your Company's occupational benefits requirements.