Liberty News – Broader range of BVV2/OPP2-compliant investment funds for BVG/LPP Fund Invest
Our selection of BVV2/OPP2-compliant funds has been extended. New securities solutions have been added to our "BVG/LPP Fund Invest" product line. These are presented below:
Helvetia BVG/LPP-Mix Plus 30 (ISIN: CH0035399986)
The fund proposed by Helvetia Anlagestiftung offers a balanced mix of Swiss equities (currently about 27%) and global equities (about 9%), and Swiss and global bonds (about 28% and 5% respectively). It is also invested in real estate (about 26%) and commodities (about 5%).
This securities solution is suitable for the dynamic investor - either as a core investment or in combination with an existing portfolio.
CS (CH) Sustainability Fund Balanced CHF (ISIN: CH0339158757)
This Credit Suisse fund was recently added to our offer; investments take into account well-defined environmental, social and governance criteria (ESG).
These criteria form the backbone of the investment process. Areas are taken into account where sustainability and the ethical impact of an investment in a company are key factors. These can be energy efficiency, water scarcity, human rights, corporate governance, business ethics and similar fields.
Direct investments are appraised based on a framework of sustainability criteria developed by Credit Suisse. Collective investments must have a sustainability orientation, or they must satisfy individual ESG criteria.
This is a suitable fund for investors with a dynamic risk profile and a medium- to long-term horizon.
The detailed specifications and the relevant fact sheet are available on our online platform "Compare Invest".
For further information, please contact Beat Eggli ( and Antonio Mercadante ( in Schwyz, or for clients in French-speaking Switzerland, Marc Churin ( and Isabelle Palmero (